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International Tax Law

Cross-border transactions involve both risks and opportunities.

Cross-border economic interests and business relationships have to contend with different tax rules in the various states. Accordingly, one aspect of international tax law is balanced distribution of the tax base without adversely affecting the taxpayer.

Of course, an aspect which is just as important is taking advantage of legitimate taxpayer benefits arising e.g. from competition among various states. Our specialists have mastered this complex field of tax law: we know national and international tax rules and implement them effectively for you by identifying risks and opportunities associated with the interaction of global private operators and state actors.




Moore officially appointed as Microsoft© Preferred Assessor

Our Global Leaders Risk Advisory at Moore BRL have achieved the amazing honour of being selected as a Preferred Assessor by Microsoft©!

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Moore Global Leader Risk Advisory

The new global head of our Risk Advisory Services (RAS) was announced during the Moore Global Conference in Budapest.

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To the Moon and back

Team events and joint sporting activities are not only good for your own mental health, but can also help other people.

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