You happen to work in a specialist area?

No problem. We’re independent auditors who are familiar with specialist areas.

Good questions deserve good answers

Your company is already operating at an international level or wants to expand abroad? You happen to work in a specialist area and need assistance from an advisor with in-depth knowledge?

This is the advantage of our network: If you need advice from a specialist, we bring a specialist on board – no matter where in Germany his or her Moore Global member firm might be located. We know each other and work closely together to help your business grow.


Under the new corporate crime law, compliance systems will be mandatory in the future even for mid-sized companies.

About 30,000 criminal proceedings against companies are expected for tax offenses alone. Fines will be increased significantly and may amount to as much as 10 % of annual revenues. The new law will provide that fines may be waived if the company has a functioning compliance system.

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International Tax Law

Cross-border transactions involve both risks and opportunities.

Cross-border economic interests and business relationships have to contend with different tax rules in the various states. Accordingly, one aspect of international tax law is balanced distribution of the tax base without adversely affecting the taxpayer.

Of course, an aspect which is just as important is taking advantage of legitimate taxpayer benefits arising e.g. from competition among various states. Our specialists have mastered this complex field of tax law: we know national and international tax rules and implement them effectively for you by identifying risks and opportunities associated with the interaction of global private operators and state actors.



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Company in crisis? We’ll help get you through the storm.

The Moore experts will assist you with top-to-bottom strategic approaches for getting through the crisis. We know that there is an acute need for action. That’s why we don’t waste time talking, but instead help you develop constructive and cooperative restructuring and reorganization plans, which we will explain at meetings of the creditors’ pool and creditors’ meetings.

You can count on us.

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Transfer Pricing

As a result of globalisation, the growing prominence of transfer pricing is clear to see on a national as well as a global level. Tax planning including a well-conceived transfer pricing strategy helps multinational companies to brave the current uncertainties regarding the development of the business world.

Our insight provides transfer pricing reviews, assistance in compiling transfer pricing policies and documentation.

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Mergers & acquisitions

Mergers and acquisitions are among the most exciting, but also the most challenging, fields of corporate activity.

This is particularly true for mid-sized companies, for which transactions of this kind represent more the exception than the rule. The motivations and interests behind these transactions vary from case to case, as do the expertise and experience of the persons involved. Given this situation, a successful transaction requires a clear strategy, a flexible and efficient framework and a carefully planned integration process. At the same time, financial, tax and legal aspects must be taken into account and combined to create a top-to-bottom approach. If this can be done, M&A transactions are a key building block for successful mid-sized companies.



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The China desk

We can handle specialized matters in Chinese, we’re entrepreneurial thinkers and we speak your language.

The China desk is headed by our Chinese colleague Ms. Yang.

This allows us to ensure that Chinese clients will have a professionally competent partner on their side whom they can rely on, and one who is also a native speaker and familiar with Chinese culture.




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Internal investigations

The new law will regulate internal investigations for the first time.

In the future, whether a company launches an internal investigation upon learning of a violation, draws the consequences required by law on its own initiative and cooperates with public prosecutors will be decisive factors in determining whether a fine can be significantly reduced or waived altogether.

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Renewable Energy Act of 2023 | CHP Act | Energy Law

Rising energy costs and stricter statutory energy efficiency requirements are creating a burden for energy-intensive companies.

The experts at Moore rely on their extensive energy industry expertise to help companies and industries find approaches and solutions for these issues.

This includes examinations in connection with the CHP Act,  electricity price compensation and the Concession Fees Ordinance. Clarifying questions of interpretation and matters of doubt within the framework of general consultations relating to energy law is also part of their area of expertise.

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Based on an EU Directive, a right of confiscation was created in 2018 pursuant to §§ 73 et seq. of the Criminal Code.

Proceeds from criminal acts must now be recovered in full, not only from the perpetrator but from beneficiaries of the crime as well. The gross principle applies, i.e. essentially the turnover (= actual income) and not the profit is skimmed off. The resulting risks for companies are enormous.

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Public sector

Digitization and tax law trigger an evolution in the public sector.

Tax law in the public sector has always been a specialized affair, and the adoption of §2b of the VAT Act will make it dramatically more complex. Under this statute, the public sector is understood as businesses engaged in providing basic services, an unparalleled challenge. At the same time, electronic invoicing, the EU General Data Protection Regulation and the German government’s “critical infrastructure” initiative impose new organizational and IT requirements. Given this combination of requirements, the introduction of a tax compliance system gives executive bodies the opportunity to structure their responsibilities in a manageable fashion.

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